Mutton biryani

Originally from Persia, and introduced in India by Mughal rulers, the dish is a delight to eat and a challenge for chefs to prepare. In a perfect pot of biryani, every grain of rice is separate, yet infused with aromas of various spices and has meat or vegetables paired with it.

keema curry set

Keema Curry is an Indian curry made of ground meat and minced vegetables. This type of curry started to appear in Japan in the 1950s and it's been adapted to the Japanese taste and home-style cooking with Japanese curry roux.

Our Menu Item

Green Salad


Chicken Fride Rich


Beef Biryani


Egg Ramen


Curry Ramen


Sag Chicken Biryani



We are proud to itroduce our Noodle

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Beef Curry

Beef curry is a delicious, savory, stew-like dish that's full of amazingly rich flavors. Bonus: it's SO easy to make! A little sautéing here, a little browning there, then leave it alone to simmer for a couple of hours. It's easy to customize beef curry and change up the flavor profile.

vegetable curry

Vegetable Curry made with mixed vegetables, spices and herbs. This one-pan mixed vegetable curry is delicious, simple to make and is packed with layers and layers of flavors. Serve it over rice or with roti, Paratha, Poori, Naan or any other flatbreads of choice.


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